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  • Douglas Williams

Are Your Security tools working against each Other? Building a Solution.

In our first article, we discussed the pitfalls of not having a Collaborative Security infrastructure”. This means running multiple point tools or tools from the same manufacturer that are really bolt-ons without true, native integration. As stated previously, this basically leads to a lack of enthusiasm and you typically end up with one engineer having a “favorite” tool and another team member favoring a different tool and so forth. This also leads to other tools not being utilized very often and when that data is needed, the tool(s) are often in poor shape. Now, we are losing more time troubleshooting the tool that has the data, we “think” we need, which may or may not be the case.

Q: How much time annually do you think you spend working on these tools? These tasks can be such examples as re-imaging, patching or troubleshooting connectors with 3rd party devices?

Having true, native integration amongst your tools leads to an intelligent Security Fabric. The fabric is the most important piece, in my opinion. I would rather have the majority of my tools sharing data natively with a single console or two and get the data I need, easily and repeatedly again and again. Otherwise you run the common challenge of having your tools spend more time fighting each other than fighting threats.

Do you current have a Collaborative Security infrastructure with an intelligent Security Fabric at its core? Not sure? Take our Quiz and to find out where you stand.

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